Diet & Nutrition
“We have never had so much food, yet our bodies are starved of nutrition”
Helen Coe Health – We provide another way to heal!

We believe there are 8 factors that are basic to good health:
- Absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins and waste.
- Provide the body with what it needs to heal itself.
- Eat foods as close to their natural state as possible.
- Invest in a good water filter and drink molecular hydrogen water.
- Make sure your blood cells are healthy.
- Take vitamins and minerals to aid the healing process.
- Remove chemical-laden foods and drinks.
- Participate in a form of exercise that you enjoy.
We provide a 3-step, food, drink, lifestyle and vitamin/mineral analysis to help you achieve long-term health and well being:
1. Dietary Analysis: This helps you identify which foods and drinks you need for optimal health. If you have a specific condition in your body we identify which foods and drinks may be aggravating that specific condition in order to eliminate them and replace them with a healthier option.
2. Lifestyle Analysis: This enables you to evaluate your day to day lifestyle with a view to living a less stressful, healthy and peaceful life.
“The type of water and food we consume and the lifestyles we lead today determine our health tomorrow, next year, 10 years from now …”
3. Identification of the specific vitamins and minerals your body needs: The nutritionist recommends a vitamin and mineral programme tailored to your needs.
At Helen Coe Health Care we supply supplements of the highest quality.
- Vibrant energy
- No sugar cravings
- Better concentration
- Less aches and pains
- Proper bowel movements
- Healthy digestive system
- Hydrated body
- Less colds and flu
- Balanced body weight
- Sleep better
- More relaxed
- Focused and clear thinking
- Balanced hormone levels

Call us today for an appointment and we will provide you with the nutritional information and supplements tailored to meet your individual needs.